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1980 PhD from Moscow State University, Geography

1973 MS (equivalent) degree from Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Survey and Cartography, Engineering



2017 – present. Associate Professor of Geology and Mining Faculty, Tashkent state Technical University

2016-2017 Docent, the Vrije University, Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

1996-1997 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, NCGIA, UCSB, CA, U.S.A.

2009 –2016 Associate Professor of Geography, National University of Uzbekistan

1982-1999 Chair of the Department, Associate Professor of Geography, National University of Uzbekistan


2016-present Social Development and Gender Specialist, Su Yapı Engineering and Consulting Inc. Co Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2009-2016  Social & Gender Expert UBI Consulting LLC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2011-2012 National Consultant on elaboration of program on sustainable development of the buffer zone aiming to increase living standards of local population, UNDP, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2001-present Chair of the Board Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekista

1996-1997 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Nationl Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

1980 – 1982 Senior Social Researcher, Central Asian Laboratory of Demography, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

1976 – 1980 Postgraduate Researcher, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

1973 – 1976 Researcher, Geography Department, Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

1973 Laboratory Senior Assistant, Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Survey and Cartography,Moscow, Russia

1972 Technician, Cartographic Manufacturing Co, Minsk, Belarussia

1971 Technician, Surveying Co, Estonia


Trainings of Trainers in accordance with the Gender Action Plan and Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy (October 2017-March 2018) of the project 'Djizzak Sanitation System Development", ADB, Government of Uzbekistan

On Development of the Curriculum Design for Upper- and Advanced-level GIS Classes for Masters on Spatial Economy in Uzbekistan. Paper presentation at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (2017, April 5)


GIS&T Education in Vrije University, Amsterdam. Presentation at the meeting with the teachers from Bhutan (2017,  February 10)


Challenges and New Trends of Urban Transformation in Uzbekistan. EURECA Seminar, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (2016, December 1)


Nature and Human Interaction: Lessons Learned in Uzbekistan. IVM colloquium, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije University, Amsterdam (2016, November 22


Tips on writing scientific paper in English for publishing in academic journals: trainings and seminars for young researchers in universities in Urgench (2016, March 12), Nukus (2016, March 14), Buhara (2016, March 22), Tashkent (2016, March-May)


Conceptual Framework for Interactive Dynamic Health Mapping in Uzbekistan.2016. Association of American Geographers  Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 30, 2016


Raising awarness of seniors on using national e-government resources, trainings and seminars. Tashkent and Tashkent region, October 7, 2015 – Fevruary 4, 2016


Urbanization in Uzbekistan. Hunter college, CUNY, April 30, 2015


Challenges and New Trends of Urban Transformation in Uzbekistan. The Association of American Geographers  Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 23, 2015


NGO and Women right to be competitive in labor market: Experience of Uzbekistan. NGO Committee on Status of Women, Palais des Nations in Geneva, November 4, 2014.


“E-library resources for kids in the U.S.A.:Library of Congress”, paper presentation at the meeting of administrators and staff of Informational resource Centers of public schools of city of Tashkent, June 26, 2014.


“National E-resources for Education”, paper presentation at the meeting of teachers of foreign languages of public schools of Sergeli district of city of Tashkent, May 21, 2014.


Ways to Study Spatial Distribution of Population in Uzbekistan. Coney Island university, NY, April 20, 2014.

‘Social Dimension of Spatial Distribution of Population in Uzbekistan”. A research paper at the Association of American Geographers 110th Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, April 8-12, 2014.


“Together with developed countries with advanced ICT”, project presentation at the meeting of administrators and directors of public schools of city of Tashkent, January 23, 2014


“Uzbekistan on the Paths of Urbanization: Trends and Main Features”. A research paper at the Association of American Geographers  Annual Meeting, Los-Angeles, April 7-11, 2013.


“New technologies and Education” training for teachers in Samarkand  for members of Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan in Samarkand state university, December 14, 2013


“New technologies and Education” training for teachers in Nukus  for members of Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan Branch in Republic of Karakalpakstan, September 30, 2013


“New technologies and Education” training for teachers in Buhara  for members of Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan Branch in Buhara province, September 10, 2013


“New technologies and Education” training for teachers in Tashkent province for members of Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan Branch in Tashkent province, September 10, 2013


“New technologies and Education:webinar” paper presentation  at the meeting  of geographers, National university of Uzbekistan, April 24, 2013


“Uzbekistan on the Paths of Urbanization: Trends and Main Features” A research paper at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 9-13. 2013


“Internet and Geospatial Technologies development” paper presentation  at the meeting  of geographers, National university of Uzbekistan, January 30, 2013


“How to start? ICT into Education” paper presentation  at the meeting  of geographers, National university of Uzbekistan, January 23, 2013


“Web Mapping” paper presentation  at the meeting  of geographers, National university of Uzbekistan, December 20, 2012


Social Geography of Uzbekistan: experience and challenges. Columbia university, NYC, March 3, 2012.


“The Model of Geospatial Information Services for Population Studies in Uzbekistan”. A research paper at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, February 24-28, 2012


“Gender Action Plan (GAP) Implementation Progress and Social Issues”, a report at the Asian Development Bank Project Management officers Gender specialists’ meeting,  Tashkent, January 13, 2014, February 28, 2013, May 11, 2012, October 11, 2011, July 28, 2011, May 18, 2011


“Action Plan Development”, training for the Board of Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan branch in Buhara region, Uzbekistan, Buhara,July 13, 2011.


“Institutional  Development of the NGO”, training for the Board of Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan branch in Republic of Karakalpakstan, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus, July 6-7, 2011.


“Gender Action Plan and Social Issues of the ADB project “Surkhandarya Water Supply and Sanitation”,  a report at the round table “Implementation Status of the ADB Projects’ GAPs in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, May 18, 2011.


“Spatial-temporal Dimension of Evolution of the Population Distribution in Uzbekistan”. A research paper at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, April 11-16, 2011.


“Premises and Perspectives for Development of Geographical Cartography of Spatial Distribution of Population”. A research paper at the  International Conference “Cartographic Method Using for Geographical Studies, Tashkent, May 13-14, 2011.


“About Population Database Development”. A research paper at the  International Conference “Cartographic Method Using for Geographical Studies, Tashkent, May 13-14, 2011.


“GIS and Remote Sensing Data Using to Study the Urban Sprawl”. A research paper at the  International Conference “Cartographic Method Using for Geographical Studies, Tashkent, May 13-14, 2011.


“Research under Fulbright Program”, a presentation at the Round table “Fulbright Scholarship Programs”, Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, May 30, 2011.


“About Opportunities for cooperation: NGO and Government in Uzbekistan”,  a presentation at the Roundtable “NGO and Government Cooperation”, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, September 30, 2010. 


“Research and Study under Fulbright Program in the U.S.A.”, a presentation at the round table “About Fulbright Scholarship Programs”, Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, May 26, 2010.


“About Fulbright Programs”, presentation at the Education Fair during International Education week, Tashkent,  November 17,2009.


“How to prepare a project”, presentation at the roundtable “About Fulbright Scholarship Programs”, Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, May 06, 2009.


“Ecological Modeling of Urban Sprawl”, research paper at the seminar «Global Environmental Issues and Economy», US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, March 27, 2009.


“Urban Poverty in Uzbekistan:New Dimensions, New Challenges”, presentation at the ADB workshop “Managing Urban Uzbekistan” Uzbekistan, Tashkent, October 27, 2009.


“Fuelling the Sustainable Economic Growth of Uzbekistan”, joint presentation with Dr. Joji Reyes at the ADB workshop “Managing Urban Uzbekistan” Uzbekistan, Tashkent, October 27, 2009.


“About Fulbright Programs”, presentation at the Education Fair during International Education week, Tashkent,  November, 21,2008.


“Exchange of Ideas and Knowledge”, presentation at the meeting of Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan & Embassy of the United States to Uzbekistan “Fulbright Program: 15 years of Cooperation in Culture and Education”, Tashkent, November 17, 2008. 


“Global Environmental Issues”, moderator of the seminar  of  Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan & Embassy of the United States to Uzbekistan, November 28, 2008.


“My experience of Doing research under Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program”, presentation at the roundtable “Research and Study under Fulbright Program”, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, May 23, 2008.


“Impact of Urbanization on the Environment in Arid Zone”, a research paper at the Fulbright 4th interdisciplinary conference, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, April 26-27, 2008.


“About Fulbright Programs”, presentation at the Education Fair during International Education week, Tashkent,  October 18, 2007


“Your idea, your project”, presentation at the roundtable “Project development”, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, September 21, 2007.


«GIS: History, State and Future”, moderator of seminar, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent,  July 28, 2006.


“Place and Role of Uzbekistan on the World Stock Exchange market”, moderator of seminar, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent,June 28, 2006.


“Ethnography of New York”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Ruth Botwinnik, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, October 28, 2005.


“Ethnicity in New York”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Ruth Botwinnik, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, November 18, 2005.


“Mutual Understanding Through Exchange of Ideas and Knowledge”, moderator of the Meeting to commemorate the Centennial of Senator William J.Fulbright, Tashkent, April 9, 2005.


“Poverty and Food in the U.S.A.”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Nancy Rosenberger, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, March 14, 2005.


“Global Economy and New Realities”, moderator of seminar, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, March,11, 2005.


“Crosscultural communication in Globalization Era”, moderator of seminar, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, February 28, 2005.


“Exchange Programs for Journalists”, moderator of seminar, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, April 07, 2004.


“Comparative Prospects for Reforms of 3rd Generation: Dimensions of Governance in Central Asia”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Gregory Gleason, Tashkent, June 22,  2004.


“Model for Interpretation of Spatial Distribution of Population”, research paper at  the Association of American Geographers Centennial Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. 2004.


“Political Economy of Structural Reforms in Central Asia”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Gregory Gleason, Tashkent, December 24,  2003, February 17, 2004.


“NGO in the U.S.A”, moderator of seminar, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, December 12, 2003.


“Healthy Civil Society: Characteristics and Conditions for its Formation”, moderator of seminar, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, November 21, 2003.


“Holidays in the U.S.A.”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Laurence Jarvik, Tashkent, June 11,  2003.


“American Literature and Poetry”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Stanley Moore, Tashkent, May 27 and May 28,  2003.


"War and Business”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Jay Nathan, Tashkent, May 21,  2003.


“Development management”,  organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Jay Nathan, Tashkent, May 22,  2003.


“Law in Business”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Linda Miller, Tashkent, May 16,  2003.


“Education System in the U.S.A.”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Laurence Jarvik, Tashkent, May 07,  2003.


“International Journalism”, organizer of the lecture by US Fulbright Scholar Laurence Jarvik, Tashkent, April 12, 2003.


Trainings on “Web Design Basics” for US Government sponsored exchange programs Alumni in Tashkent district, February 17, 2003; Samarkand, February 24, 2003; Nukus, February 26, 2003; Namangan, February 27, 2003; Fergana, February 28, 2003; Tashkent, April 26, 2003.


“Gender Studies”, moderator of seminar, Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, February 07, 2003.


“Central Asian and American Studies”, moderator of seminar, Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, December 20, 2002.


“NGO Development”, moderator of the videoconference and seminar, Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, November 29, 2002.


“About Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan”, participation in discussions at 25th conference of US Fulbright Association , Washington DC, October 10-14, 2002.


“Social aspects of landscape change modeling using GIS” research paper at the Association of American Geographers 98th Annual Meeting, Los-Angeles. 2002.


“Using of GIS for Environmental Modelling of a Big City”, a research paper at the International Conference “Security and Quality of Life in a Big City”, Kazakhstan, Almaty, September 26-27, 2002.


“GIS:on-line resources”, presentation at the seminar “ICT for Study and Education”, Public Affairs Section, US Embassy in Uzbekistan & Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, September 21, 2002.


“Ethics on Internet”, moderator of discussion, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, September 22, 2002.


“Mahalla as an Element of Civil Society in Uzbekistan”, paper presentation jointly with Sayyora Rakhmankulova at the Fulbright conference, Bishkek-Choponota, August, 16-19, 2002.


“Clash of Civilizations: Is Conflict Inevitable?”, moderator of discussion, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, June 8, 2002.


“About Challenges of Higher Education in Uzbekistan”, presentation at the seminar “Problems and Perspectives of Education in Uzbekistan”, IREX, Tashkent, March 22, 2001.


“About Research under Fulbright Program in the US Universities”, presentation at the seminar “Experience of Study in the Universities of the U.S.A.”, IREX, Tashkent, November 17, 2001.


“Problems and Perspectives for a Spatial Data Infrastructure in Uzbekistan”,  research paper at the Association of American Geographers 96th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh. 2000.


“The Comparative Study of Urban Growth: Bakersfield in Central Valley, California and Andighan in Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan”, jointly with Clarke K. research paper at  Association of American Geographers 94th Annual Meeting, Boston.1998.


Gave a scholarly presentation “Rural population of Central Asia and Environmental Problems”,  at the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State, Washington DC, April 8, 1997.


Gave a lecture to Postgraduate students on Changes in the Urban/Rural Population Distribution in Uzbekistan,  Clark University, Worcester, MA, April 15, 1997.


Gave a lecture to students on Geography of Population in Uzbekistan, Hunter College SUNY, NY City, April 11, 1997.


Gave a lecture to Postgraduate students on Study of the Rural Population in Central Asia: Uzbekistan,  Buffalo University, NY. April 17, 1997.


Gave a lecture to Postgraduate students on The Rural Population of Central Asia: Extracting Spatial Distribution Information from Maps and Remote Sensed Images, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. May 1, 1997.


“Using the Geographical Images for Study the Population in Central Asia”, research paper at the Association of American Geographers 93rd Annual Meeting, Fort-Worth. 1997.


“The Methodical Aspects of Cartographic and Remote Sensing Methods of the Population Distribution Process Study”, research paper at the Scientific-Technical Conference, Osh. 1994.


“The Specificity of the Ecological Monitoring Development in Uzbekistan”, research paper at the Scientific-Technical Conference, Tashkent, 1993.


“The Cross-courses Links Development”, research paper at the Scientific-Methodological Seminar, Harkov.1993.


“The Experience of the Training Procedures at the Department's Branch”, research paper at the Scientific-Methodological Seminar, Harkov. 1993.


“The Computers Using for the Cartographic Education”, research paper at the Scientific-Methodological Seminar, Harkov. 1993.


“Cartographic and Remotely Sensed Methods for Study the Anthropoecological Loads in Mountain and Foothills”,  research paper at the  regional conference “Rational Utilization of the Nature in Mountain Countries”, Bishkek, 1991.


“The GIS Development for the Geosystem Monitoring with the Purpose of Social-Economical and Ecological Problems Solving in Southern Uzbekistan”, research paper at the  scientific conference “The Problems of the Study of the Nature and Society of the Southern Uzbekistan”, Karshi, 1991.


“The Complex and Thematic Mapping of the Uzbekistan: the Experience, Problems and Perspectives”, research paper at the Geography Society of Uzbekistan 3rd Meeting, Tashkent,1990.


“The Study of the Population Distribution Features in Oases of Uzbekistan Using the Maps and Remotely Sensed Data”, research paper at  the Geography Society of Uzbekistan 3rd Meeting, Tashkent, 1990.


“Study the Dynamic of Regional Population Distribution Systems and Their Development in Uzbekistan”, research paper at the conference “Topical Problems of Social and Regional Planning and Uzbekistan Population Geography”, Namangan, 1989.


“Using the Space Photographs to Study the Changes of the Settlements Networks in Ferghana Valley”, research paper at the  conference “Geographical Study and Rational Utilization the Natural Resources”, Frunze, 1989.


“Mapping the Population Distribution Process for Territorial Organization and Planning in Uzbekistan”, research paper at the  regional conference “Ecological and Geographical Mapping and Natural Resources Utilization Improvement in Siberia”, Irkutsk, 1989.


“The Cartographic Supply of the Programs of the Ecological and Social-Economical Development of the Central-Asian Region”, research paper at the  regional conference “Ecological and Geographical Mapping and Natural Resources Utilization Improvement in Siberia”, Irkutsk, 1989.


“The Main Features of Evolution and Functioning of Population Patterns in Uzbekistan”,  research paper at the conference “Dynamics of Population in the USSR”, Moscow-Pushino, January, 1989.


“Evolution of Urban-Rural Systems in Uzbekistan”, research paper at the meeting of Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow-Obninsk, 1988.


“Using the Satellite Imagery for Study of the Dynamic of the Settlements Growth”, research paper at the conference “Cartography and Scientific Progress”, Moscow-Leningrad, 1988.


“Transformation of  Urban Systems in Uzbekistan”, research paper at the Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan seminar in Ashgabad, 1987.


“Map Using for Study of the Transport Behavior in Tashkent District”, research paper at the conference “Labor Forces and Human Activity in Tashkent Economic Region”, Tashkent-Angren, 1987.


“The Remotely Sensed Data Using for the Study of the Recreational Landscapes in Chirchik-Ahangaran Valley”, research paper at the conference “Labor Forces and Human Activity in Tashkent Economic Region”, Tashkent-Angren, 1987.


“The Cartographic Modeling of the Air Pollution in a Big City. (The City of the Tashkent as the Case Study)”, research paper at the  conference “Labor Forces and Human Activity in Tashkent Economic Region”, Tashkent-Angren, 1987.


“The Biotical Potential Evaluation of Aral Region Based on Remotely Sensed Data”, research paper at the international conference “The Cartography During the Scientific-Technical Revolution: Theories, Methods, Practice”, Moscow, 1987.


“The Problems of the Space Imagery Automatic Processing for the Desert Reclamation Study”, research paper at the  conference “The Ecological Problems of the Desert Reclamation and the Nature Protection”, Ashgabad, 1986.


“Problems of the Regional Planning Methods Improvement”, research paper at the USSR Geography Society 7th Meeting, Leningrad, 1985.


“The Problems of the Cartographic Provision the Public Transportation Planning in the Central Asia”, research paper at the Uzbekistan Geographers Society 2nd Meeting, Tashkent, 1985.


“Problems of Data Formation for the Study of Cities Using Remotely Sensed Data”, research paper at the  conference “Automation and Cartography”, Moscow, 1984. Problems of


“Improvement the Methods of Regional Planning in the Mountain Regions, research paper at the conference “Mountain Ecosystems”, Leningrad, 1982.


“Special Features of Population Distribution Process Policy in Central Asia and Service Development Problems”, research paper at the  conference “Problems of Demographic Policy in Socialist Society”, Kiev, 1982.


“Using Remote Sensing Methods for Study of the City Influence on Environment”, research paper at the conference “Prediction the Anthrop ecological Situation with the Aid of Space Technology”, Leningrad,1984.


“Planning the Public Services in a City”, research paper at the conference “City as the Study and Management Object” Leningrad, 1981.


“Principles of Systematic Mapping the Public Transportation”, research paper at the conference “Systematic Mapping the Nature and Social-Economic Complexes”, Moscow, 1978.




Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned

Project, date, place: Raising awarness of seniors on Using national e-governance resources, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan , Project, 2015-2016, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Development of knowledge and skills on e-governance national resources in rural area of Tashkent regiont;

Position held: Team Leader;

Activities performed:

  • Developing the strategy, program, materials and instruments for trainings;

  • Assessment the starting and final skills and knowledge in the field of e-governance

  • Conducted trainings on e-governance national resources;

  • Edited and published the aid  for seniors on Using national e-governance resources


Project, date, place: Together with developed countries with advance ICT, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan , Project, 2013-2014, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Development of knowledge and skills on ICT in publis schools of city of  Tashkent;

Position held: Team Leader;

Activities performed:

  • Developing the strategy, program, materials and instruments for trainings;

  • Assessment the starting and final skills and knowledge in the field of ICT;

  • Conducted trainings on e-resources for education;

  • Edited and publishe the aids for teachers and staff of Informational Resources Centers of public schools


Project, date, place: Surhandarya water Supply and Sanitation, ADB, project. 2010-present Uzbekistan;

Main project features: adequate accounting of social, poverty and gender issues on all stages of designing and implementing the project and provision of services after completion of construction;

Position held: Social & Gender Expert;

Activities performed: (i) establish and keep relation with societies, NGO, social groups and others for establishment of the project’s stakeholders; (ii) develop and introduce approaches based on consultations with the society and active participation of society in the project implementation; (iii) implement work plan on gender issues; (iv) give recommendations on ways to attract women and poor inhabitants to project design process and other consulting processes within the project; (v) give recommendations to poor inhabitants, women and vulnerable groups about measures of extracting maximum profit from the Project; (vi) joint work with specialists in the sphere of education and preparation to develop actions on increasing the awareness level of the society, contracts between “vodokanals” and consumers, systems for reviewing consumers’ complains and gender-sensitive training courses for PIU, “vodokanals”, makhalla committees and social groups; (vii) establish adequate information canals and communications between “vodokanals” and the society to implement the Project; (viii) preparation of the Project’s social impact report; (ix) monitoring of any problems with respect to ethnic minorities, if occurred; and (x) monitoring of social and gender aspects and poor provision of project implementation monitoring system, and provision of data collection, enlarged according to gender, and quality data about poverty.


Project, date, place: 20 years of Fulbright Program in Uzbekistan, project. 2013, Uzbekistan.

Main project features: The main purpose of this project is to be a part of the campaign called "Thank You Fulbright" by conducting roundtables and publishing a book of papers written by Alumni of USG exchange programs and this way to mark the 20th anniversary of Fulbright program in Uzbekistan.

Position held: Team leader

Activities performed:

  • developed the program of trainings with involvemnet of Alumni

  • organized and moderate roundtables and trainings in Tashkent and Tashkent region, Buhara, Samarkand, Nukus

  • edited and submitted for publishing the book of papers written by Fulbright Alumni from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, USA on ICT into Education.


Project, date, place: Strengthening Sustainability of the National Protected Area System by Focusing on Strictly Protected Areas, UNDP, project. 2011-2012, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Sustainable development of the buffer zone aiming to increase living standards of local population

Position held: National consultant;

Activities performed:

  • developed and tested mechanisms of sustainable livelihood gaining in rural areas (pilot sites) bordered with Surkhan SNR buffer zone;

  • developed and functioned mechanisms of participation local communities on planning and managing of buffer zone.


Project, date, place: Development Entreupenership through Raising Literacy, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan , Project, 2011-2012, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Development of knowledge and skills of youth on Entreupenership in rural areas of Tashkent province;

Position held: Team Leader;

Activities performed:

  • Developing the strategy, program, materials and instruments for trainings

  • Assessment the starting and final skills and knowledge in the field of Entreupenership

  • Supervising and maintanence training activities

  • Edited and published the aid on legal, financial, managerial issues for Entreupeners in rural areas of Tashkent province


Project, date, place: Girls and Information Century, Ministry of Education and USAID Project, 2005, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Development of knowledge and skills on Information and Communication Technologies;

Position held: Education and Social Expert;

Activities performed:

  • Developing the selection strategy and instruments for interview;

  • Analysis of the content and quality of the web based resources prepared by girls from Kaskadarya, Djizzakh and Surkhandarya oblasts;

  • Consultations on basics of web design and cultural aspects;

  • Assessment the starting and final skills and knowledge in the field of ICT;


Project, date, place: Internet in the schools of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Education and BECA, Department of State, USA Project, 2005, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: new education technologies based on Internet in the schools of the Uzbekistan;

Position held: Education Expert;

Activities performed:

  • Development the procedures and instruments for selection process;

  • Assessment of the readiness of schools for taking part in the project in accordance with criteria based on several factors;

  • Consultations on education web resources development;


Project, date, place: Centennial Celebration of Senator William Fulbright, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan Project, 2005, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;

Main project features:

  • Sharing the experience on doing research and teaching under the Fulbright Program;

  • Exchange of views on the role of Fulbright Program for strengthening mutual understanding between nations through exchange of ideas and knowledge;

Position held: Team Leader;

Activities performed:

  • Formulating the main goal and objectives of the discussion;

  • Selection of speakers and presentations, organized the conference;

  • Sharing info about program and its founder through mass media;

Supervising the editorial board and published the book of selected scientific papers “Towards mutual understanding through exchange of ideas and knowledge” written by Uzbek and USA Fulbright Scholars;


Project, date, place: Cross Cultural Communication in an Era of Globalization, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan Project, 2005, Uzbekistan;

Main project features:

  • Discussion on main aspects of cross cultural communication such as: Global Culture or Alternative Cultural Space,  Cross-Cultural Communication from the Anthropologist’s Point of View, Civil Society Development and Globalization, Secularization: Policy and Religion Interaction;

  • Consulting about Concept of USA Foreign Policy Regarding Relations with EU, Cultural Focus in the EFL Classroom;

  • Compiling А Citizens’ Guide To Independent Newspapers for Uzbekistan;

Position held: Team Leader;

Activities performed:

  • Organizing and supervising the discussion, selected the panelists and the main topics for discussion;

Development the procedures and instruments for selection;


Project, date, place: Global Economy and New Realities, Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan Project, 2005, Uzbekistan;

Main project features:

  • Discussion on main aspects of Global Economy such as: Introduction to computable general equilibrium and economic analysis of cotton and wheat sectors with multi- market models;

  • Consulting on Institutional reforms and competitiveness of local producers;

  • Analysing the characteristics of the level of financial agency and development of financial system;

  • Re-engineering of business process in a context of ICT development in Uzbekistan;

  • Analysing gglobalization trends and some issues on Uzbekistan integration in global economy;

Position held: Team Leader

Activities performed:

  • Organized and supervised the Organizing and supervising the discussion, selected the panelists and the main topics for discussion;

Development the procedures and instruments for selection;


Project, date, place: Community Connections Year, Ministry of Education and USAID Project, 2004, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Training  teachers on new education methodologies;

Position held: Education Expert;

Activities performed:

  • Development the selection strategy and instruments for interview;

  • Analysis of the materials prepared by participant;

  • Interviewing the teachers in the region (Navoi, Syrdarya and Djizzakh Oblasts);

Assessment procedures and evaluation process development for selection the most motivated, open-minded and proactive teachers (10 from 80 in each region) for training in the U.S.A.;


Project, date, place: Web design basics, Public Affairs Section, Embassy of the USA in Uzbekistan Project, 2003, Uzbekistan

Main project features: Training on the basic of the web design

Position held: Trainee / Consultant

Activities performed:

  • Development of the procedures, materials and instruments for training, assessment the readiness of participants for taking part in the project in accordance with criteria based on several factors;

  • Organizing and  taking trainings in Nukus, Namanghan, Ferghana, Samarqand and Tashkent oblast;

Arranging consultations on education web resources development;


Project, date, place: Gender Studies, Project by Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan, PAS US Embassy in Uzbekistan, 2003, Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Training the NGO leaders on legal, economical and social issues of Gender;

Position held: Team Leader / Gender Expert;

Activities performed:

  • Analyzing and assessing the procedures, materials about Gender studies in Uzbekistan;

  • Making development of the program for the seminar;

  • Selecting the panelists and discussants;

Supervising the content, education methodology, technologies and requirements to specialists from government and society;


Project, date, place: NGO Development, 2002, Uzbekistan; Project by Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan and PAS US Embassy in Uzbekistan;

Main project features: Videoconference: Training the NGO leaders (in Tashkent, Karshi, Gulistan and Djizzakh) on legal and social issues;

Position held: Team Leader and Moderator

Activities performed:

  • Analysis and assessment of the procedures, materials about strategy for NGO development of Uzbekistan;

  • Supervising the development proceedings on the program of seminar;

  • Selecting the panelists and discussants;

Supervising the content, education methodology, technologies and requirements to specialists from government and society;


Project, date, place: Land Registration Project by TACIS/TEMPUS EU and UZGEODEZCADASTRE Agency, Uzbekistan, 1998,;

Main project features: Development the cadastre system in Uzbekistan;

Position held: Education Expert;

Activities performed:

  • Analyzing and assessing the procedures, materials and strategy for education on Cadastre in 3 universities of Uzbekistan;

  • Developing the core curriculum, visits to universities in Sweden and Denmark for collecting information about courses’ content, education methodology, technologies and requirements to specialists from government and business;

Studying the system of cadastre, infrastructure and regulations by government and society. Visit to Ordnance Survey (UK) to get knowledge about GIS-using and mapping experience;


Main project features: Faculty and Students Exchange Program between Eotvosh Lorand Technical University in Budapest and Tashkent State university;

Position held: Team Leader;

Activities performed:

  • Establishment the program of exchange;

  • Analyzing and assessing the procedures, materials and strategy for training program in Hungary and Uzbekistan;

  • Developing the core curriculum, visits to universities in Hungary for collecting information about courses’ content, education methodology, technologies and requirements to specialists from government and business;



Member of the Departmental Undergraduate Education Policy Committee,

since 1982 - present.  During 1997-98 academic year actively participated and contributed to the departmental undergraduate policy committee (UGPC); prepared and updated some of the syllabi and collected and coordinated with colleagues all of the undergraduate syllabi and published them. 


Superviser of the Seminar for young teachers and students on “ Innovative Technologies”


Actively involved with undergraduate and graduate students in Learning Projects since 1982.




Urban Growth in Uzbekistan and its Assessment

GIS Using for Study the Evolution of Spatial Distribution of Population

Spatial Analysis for Social Sciences

Social, Poverty and Gender Issues

Sustainable development  and  increasing living standards of local population

Sustainable Development Goals implementation in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan



2011-2012, 2013-2014, 2015-2016 projects granted by The Public Fund For Support Of NGOs and Other Civil Society Institutions and a Parliamentary Commission for Administration of the Funds Under the Oliy Majlis.


2011                BECA through PAS, Embassy of the U.S.A. in Tashkent Alumni Travel grant to make presentation at the American Association of Geographers Annual meeting in Seattle


2008                BECA through PAS, Embassy of the U.S.A. in Tashkent Alumni Travel grant to make presentation at the 4th Fulbright conference in Ashgabat       


2002               BECA through PAS, Embassy of the U.S.A. in Tashkent Alumni Travel grant to take part at the 25th  US Fulbright Association conference in Washington DC     


2002                 IREX grant  for Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan website development and conducting trainings on web design basics in the regions          


1996-1997       Fulbright Senior Scholar Research Award to the U.S.A., National Canter for Geographical Information and Analysis, University of California in Santa Barbara.




            Fulbright Association of Uzbekistan

            American Association of Geographers

            Society of Geographers of Uzbekistan

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