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  1. Geographical Information Systems and Technologies. 2018 (In Uzbek, in press)

  2. Geography of Uzbekistan. 2018. Springer. Nature (in press)

  3. At the idea to the published paper. ISBN 978-9943-4627-4-8. 2016. Tashkent, “Extremum-press” Publishing House,192 p.p., coauthors: Jiyankhodjaev K., Kosimova N., Rahmatullaev M., Rakhmankulova S., Shodiev T., Xodjaeva F.

  4.  IT and Education. ISBN 978-9943-351-36-3. 2014. Tashkent, Mehridaryo Publishing House, 140 p.p. (in Uzbek)

  5. Guide for Information Resource Centers. ISBN 978-9943-351-37-0. 2014. Tashkent, Mehridaryo Publishing House, 52 p.p. (in Uzbek)

  6. Geographical Information Systems and Technologies, part 2, ISBN 978-9943-305-78-6. 2013. Tashkent, University Publishing House, 130 p.p. (in Uzbek)

  7. New technologies and education , ISBN 978-9943-4107-4-3. 2013, Tashkent, Sano-Standart Publishing House, 144 pp. (editor-in chief)

  8. Geographical Information Systems and Technologies, 2010, ISBN -978-9943-305-34-2, Tashkent, University Publishing House, 124 p.p. (in Uzbek)

  9. Towards Mutual Understanding Through Exchange of Ideas and Knowledge, 2005, ISBN 5-648-03-199-8, Tashkent, “Fun” (“Science”) Publishing House, 134 p.p. Editor-in Chief.

  10. Geographical Information Systems, 1999. Tashkent, Tashkent State University Publishing House, 32 p.p. (In Uzbek)

  11. Mathematical Cartography, 1999. Tashkent, Tashkent State University Publishing House, 28 p.p. (In Uzbek)

  12. Map and Remote Sensing Imagery Using for Study of the Population Distribution Process in Uzbekistan, 1994. Tashkent, University Publishing House, 120 p.p.  (In Russian)

  13. Remote Sensing Methods in Geography, 1993. Tashkent, University Publishing House, 132 p.p. (In Uzbek)

  14. Cartographic Methods of Study, 1992. Tashkent, University Publishing House, 64 p.p. (In Uzbek)

  15. Using the Remote Sensing Data for Study of the Population Distribution, 1991.Tashkent, University Publishing House, 54 p.p. (In Uzbek)

  16. Drawing the Earth, 1990, ISBN 5-8244-0475-5, Tashkent, “Mehnat” Publishing House, 96 p.p. (In Russian)

  17. Cartographic and Topographic Provision of the Natural Resources Utilization, 1989. Tashkent, Tashkent State University Publishing House, (in Russian). Editor-in Chief.

  18. The Book of Methodic on Surveying Practice, 1988. Tashkent, Tashkent State University Publishing House, 48 p.p. (In Russian)

  19. Development of Transport in Uzbekistan, 1984. Tashkent, Bilim Publishing House, 48 p.p. (In Uzbek)

  20. The Book of Methodic on Remote Sensing in Geography, 1984. Tashkent, Tashkent State University Publishing House, 48 p.p. (In Russian)

Papers (Peer Reviewed,  Refereed Journals Publications, Proceedings)

  1. 2018. Improvements in SLEUTH model calibration: An Exploration Using Andijan, Uzbekistan. In: J Environmental Modeling and Software. (in press. Co-authors: Keith Clarke, Sophie Turnbull-Appell)

  2. 2017. The Methods for Study the Land-use Change. In: Proceeding of the conference “The Modern aspects of development of natural, social and ecological processes in the Lower Amu Darya region”. Urgench, p.p. 70-72

  3. 2017. Concept of Open Data Using for the Spatial Economics of Uzbekistan. In: Uzbekistan in the Central Asian Region: Geography, Geo-economics, Geo ecology. Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference. Tashkent, p.p.367-371

  4. 2013. Geospatial technologies: tension from the perspective of Information and Communication Technologies development. // New technologies and education , ISBN 978-9943-4107-4-3. 2013, Tashkent, Sano-Standart Publishing House, p,p.79-89.

  5. 2012. Organizing Society Between Water and Sand: Population Growth And Mahalla In Uzbekistan // Disaster By Design: The Aral Sea, Lessons For Sustainability.Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Editors:Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Astrid Cerny, Ph.D. and Abror Gadaev, Ph.D

  6. Premises and Perspectives for Development of Geographical Cartography of Spatial Distribution of Population. //The Cartographic Method Using for Geographical Studies, Proceedings of International Conference, 2011, Tashkent, p.p.160-170.

  7. About Population Database Development.// The Cartographic Method Using for Geographical Studies, Proceedings of International Conference, 2011, Tashkent, p.p.124-128.(co-author: D. Rakhmonov)

  8. GIS and Remote Sensing Data Using to Study the Urban Sprawl.//The Cartographic Method Using for Geographical Studies, Proceedings of International Conference, 2011, Tashkent, p.p.113 -115. (co-author: J. Rakhmonov)

  9. Natural Resources and Development of Spatial Distribution of Population.// The Journal of Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, 35, 2010, ISSN 0135-9614, p.p. 97-101.

  10. Modeling the Urban Spatial Growth// Towards Mutual Understanding Through Exchange of Ideas and Knowledge, 2005, ISBN 5-648-03-199-8, Tashkent, “Fun” (“Science”) Publishing House, p.p.122-128

  11. Modeling the Urban Growth Using the GIS, 1999. //The Journal of Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, No.20. Tashkent. (In Russian)
    6. Scientific and Methodic Problems of Cartographic Supply the Education in Uzbekistan, 1999. //The Journal of Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, No.20. Tashkent. (In Russian, co-authors: Egamberdiev A., Karabayev J.)

  12. GIS-using for the Social-Economic Mapping, 1999. //The Problems of the Geographical Ecology and the Nature. Tashkent. (In Russian, co-authors: Levichar V., Usmanova E.

  13. The Computer-assisted Mapping for the Urban Cadastre, 1999. //The Problems of the Geographical Ecology and the Nature. Tashkent. (In Russian, co-author: Ibragimova L.)

  14. The Map of the Transportation of the Republic of the Uzbekistan, 1999. //The Atlas of the Republic of the Uzbekistan. (In Russian and in Uzbek)

  15. GIS-technology Using for the Study the Population Distribution Process in Oases of the Uzbekistan, 1998.// The Journal of Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, No.19. Tashkent. (In Russian, co-authors: Saliev A., Borovikova L.)

  16. The National Infrastructure of the Spatial Data in Uzbekistan: the Problems and Perspectives.// The Journal of Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, 1998, No.19. Tashkent. (In Russian, co-authors: Safarov E., Egamberdiev A., Karabayev J.)

  17. Theory and Practice of Using the Cartographic and Remote Sensing Methods for the Study of the Population, 1995. //The Journal of Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  18. The Current Situation of the Cartography in Uzbekistan and Its Development's Topical Problems.//Independence and Geography, , 1995Tashkent, (in Uzbek, co-authors: Egamberdiev A., Safarov E., Asanov P.)

  19. Using the Geographical Imagery for the Analysis of the Population Distribution Process, 1994.// Intellectualization of Managing Systems and Information Processing, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  20. Several Aspects of the Geoinformation Technologies Development in Uzbekistan, 1994. //Informatics and New Information Technologies, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  21. Cartographic Method of Study of the Rural Population in Ferghana Valley, 1992.//Population and Labor Forces in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  22. Using the Mapping and Remotely Sensed Data for Study of the Rural Population in Uzbekistan, 1991. //Employment in a Case of Transition to Market Economy: Problems and Perspectives, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  23. Based on GIS. 1990. //J. Science and Life. No.2, Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  24. Mapping of the Population Distribution Process Based on Remote Sensing Data, 1990. //The Journal of Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, vol.1, Tashkent (in Russian)

  25. The Mapping the National Economy of the Uzbekistan in a Case of Social-Economical Development, 1990.// J. Geodesy and Cartography. No. 3, Moscow, (in Russian. Co-author: Egamberdiev A.)

  26. Cartographic and Mathematical Modeling of the Public Transportation, 1989.// Cartographic and Topographic Provision of the Natural Resources Utilization, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  27. The Current State and the Perspectives of the Cartographic Provision the National Economy of the Uzbekistan, 1989. //Cartographic and Topographic Provision of the Natural Resources Utilization, Tashkent, (in Russian, co-author: Egamberdiev A.)

  28. Transformation of the Settlements Network and Population in Oases in Arid Zone. 1988.//J. Problems of Reclamation of Desert. No.5, Ashgabat, (in Russian)

  29. The Map of the Anthropological Impact on Desert in Arid Zone of the Central Asia, 1986. The Institute of the Deserts of the Academy of the Sciences of Turkmen Republic, Ashgabad, (in Russian, co-authors: Zakirov Sh., Kogay N., Harin N. and others)

  30. Space Cares of Towns, 1984.// J. Science and Life.No.2, Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  31. The Map of the Transportation of the Republic of the Uzbekistan, 1984.//The Atlas of the Republic of the Uzbekistan, vol.2. Moscow, (in Russian)

  32. Mathematical and Cartographic Modeling the Public Transportation, 1984. //Problems of Complex and Thematic Mapping in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  33. The Problems of the Study the Anthropological Situation in Arid Zone, 1994. //The Rational Utilization the Natural Resources and Nature Protection, Tashkent (in Russian)

  34. Remote Sensing Methods of Study the Anthrop ecological Systems, 1983. //Geographical Principles of Nature Resources Utilization in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  35. Second Language of Geography, 1982.//J. Science and Life, No.2, Tashkent, (in Uzbek

  36. Problems of Mapping the Public Transportation, 1978.//Book of the Scientific Reports of the Tashkent State University, vol. 569, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  37. Small-scale Mapping of Transport, 1978. //Uzbekistan Nature Resources and their Mapping, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  38. The Complex Mapping the Economy of Uzbekistan and Natural Resources Efficiency, 1975. //Nature Protection and Environment Improvement, Tashkent, (in Russian)


  1. On Development of the Curriculum Design for Upper- and Advanced-level GIS Classes for Masters on Spatial Economy in Uzbekistan. 2017. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting Boston, MA

  2. Conceptual Framework for Interactive Dynamic Health Mapping in Uzbekistan. 2016. Association of American Geographers  Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA

  3. Challenges and New Trends of Urban Transformation in Uzbekistan.2015. The Association of American Geographers  Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

  4. Social Dimension of Spatial Distribution of Population in Uzbekistan.2014. The Association of American Geographers 110th Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.

  5. Uzbekistan on the Paths of Urbanization: Trends and Main Features. 2013. The Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los-Angeles.

  6. The Model of Geospatial Information Services for Population Studies in Uzbekistan. 2012. The Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York.

  7. Spatial-temporal Dimension of Evolution of the Population Distribution in Uzbekistan, 2011. The Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle.

  8. Model for Interpretation of Spatial Distribution of Population, 2004. Abstracts. The Association of American Geographers Centennial Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.

  9. Using GIS for the Study of the Evolution of Spatial Distribution of Population in Uzbekistan, 2002. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2002 Annual Conference.

  10. Social aspects of landscape change modeling using GIS, 2002.Abstracts.The Association of American Geographers 98th Annual Meeting, Los-Angeles.

  11. Problems and Perspectives for a Spatial Data Infrastructure in Uzbekistan, 2000. Abstracts. The Association of American Geographers 96th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh.

  12. Modeling the Temporal Growth of the City of the Bakersfield, 1998. CALGIS-98 Annual Meeting. (Co-author: Clarke K.)

  13. The Comparative Study of Urban Growth: Bakersfield in Central Valley, California and Andighan in Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan, 1998. Abstracts. The Association of American Geographers 94th Annual Meeting, Boston. (Co-author: Clarke K.)

  14. Using the Geographical Images for Study the Population in Central Asia, 1997. Abstracts. Association of American Geographers 93rd Annual Meeting, Fort-Worth

  15. The Methodical Aspects of Cartographic and Remote Sensing Methods of the Population Distribution Process Study, 1994. The Scientific-Technical Conference Materials, Osh, (in Russian)

  16. The Specificity of the Ecological Monitoring Development in Uzbekistan, 1993. The Scientific-Technical Conference Proceedings, Tashkent, (in Uzbek, co-author: Safarov E.)

  17. The Cross-courses Links Development, 1993. The Scientific-Methodological Seminar's Proceedings, Harkov, (in Russian)

  18. The Experience of the Training Procedures at the Department's Branch, 1993. The Scientific-Methodological Seminar's Proceedings, Harkov, (in Russian)

  19.  The Computers Using for the Cartographic Education, 1993. The Scientific-Methodological Seminar's Proceedings, Harkov, (in Russian)

  20. Cartographic and Remotely Sensed Methods for Study the Anthropoecological Loads in Mountain and Foothills, 1991. Rational Utilization of the Nature in Mountain Countries, Bishkek, (in Russian)

  21. The GIS Development for the Geosystem Monitoring with the Purpose of Social-Economical and Ecological Problems Solving in Southern Uzbekistan, 1991. The Problems of the Study of the Nature and Society of the Southern Uzbekistan, Karshi, (in Russian)

  22. The Complex and Thematic Mapping of the Uzbekistan: the Experience, Problems and Perspectives, 1990. The Geography Society of Uzbekistan 3rd Meeting Proceedings. Vol.1, Tashkent, (in Russian, co-authors: Mirzaliev T., Rayzman G.)

  23. The Study of the Population Distribution Features in Oases of Uzbekistan Using the Maps and Remotely Sensed Data, 1990. The Geography Society of Uzbekistan 3rd Meeting Proceedings. Vol.1, Tashkent, (in Russian, co-author: Kushakov S.)

  24. Study the Dynamic of Regional Population Distribution Systems and Their Development in Uzbekistan, 1989. Topical Problems of Social and Regional Planning and Uzbekistan Population Geography, Namangan, (in Russian, co-author: Abdullayev R.)

  25. Using the Space Photographs to Study the Changes of the Settlements Networks in Ferghana Valley, 1989. Geographical Study and Rational Utilization the Natural Resources, Frunze, (in Russian, co-author: Surataliev F.)

  26. Mapping the Population Distribution Process for Territorial Organization and Planning in Uzbekistan, 1989. Ecological and Geographical Mapping and Natural Resources Utilization Improvement in Siberia, Irkutsk, (in Russian, co-authors: AbdullayevR., Ahmedov R.)

  27. The Cartographic Supply of the Programs of the Ecological and Social-Economical Development of the Central-Asian Region, 1989. Ecological and Geographical Mapping and Natural Resources Utilization Improvement in Siberia, Irkutsk, (in Russian, co-authors: Saliev A., Egamberdiev A.)

  28. Using the Satellite Imagery for Study of the Dynamic of the Settlements Growth. 1988. Cartography and Scientific Progress, Moscow-Leningrad, (in Russian, co-author: Nasrulin A.)

  29. Map Using for Study of the Transport Behavior in Tashkent District, 1987.Labor Forces and Human Activity in Tashkent Economic Region, Tashkent-Angren,(in Russian, co-author: Kuchkarov A.)

  30. The Remotely Sensed Data Using for the Study of the Recreational Landscapes in Chirchik-Ahangaran Valley, 1987.Labor Forces and Human Activity in Tashkent Economic Region, Tashkent-Angren, (in Russian, co-author: Usmanov C.)

  31. The Cartographic Modeling of the Air Pollution in a Big City. (The City of the Tashkent as the Case Study), 1987. Labor Forces and Human Activity in Tashkent Economic Region, Tashkent-Angren, (in Russian, co-author: Rabinovich A.)

  32. The Biotical Potential Evaluation of Aral Region Based on Remotely Sensed Data, 1987. The Cartography During the Scientific-Technical Revolution: Theories, Methods, Practice, Moscow, (in Russian, co-authors: Abdullayev R., Tsoy V.)

  33. The Problems of the Space Imagery Automatic Processing for the Desert Reclamation Study, 1986. The Ecological Problems of the Desert Reclamation and the Nature Protection, Ashgabad, (in Russian)

  34. Problems of the Regional Planning Methods Improvement, 1985. USSR Geography Society 7th Meeting Report, Leningrad. (In Russian)

  35. The Problems of the Cartographic Provision the Public Transportation Planning in the Central Asia, 1985. The Uzbekistan Geographers Society 2nd Meeting Proceedings, Tashkent, (in Russian)

  36. Problems of Data Formation for the Study of Cities Using Remotely Sensed Data, 1984. Automation and Cartography, Moscow, (in Russian)

  37. Problems of Improvement the Methods of Regional Planning in the Mountain Regions.1982. Mountain Ecosystems, Leningrad, (in Russian)

  38. Special Features of Population Distribution Process Policy in Central Asia and Service Development Problems, 1982. Problems of Demographic Policy in Socialist Society, Kiev, (in Russian)

  39. Using Remote Sensing Methods for Study of the City Influence on Environment.1984. Prediction the Anthrop ecological Situation with the Aid of Space Technology, Leningrad, (in Russian)

  40. Planning the Public Services in a City, 1981. City as the Study and Management Object, Leningrad, (in Russian)

  41. Principles of Systematic Mapping the Public Transportation, 1978. Systematic Mapping the Nature and Social-Economic Complexes, Moscow, (in Russian)

Curriculum Development

  1. Geographical Information Systems and Technologies, 2011. The program of the Education for Masters at the University level. (in Uzbek)

  2. Mathematical Cartography, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  3. The Remotely Sensed Imagery Processing, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  4. The Complex and Thematic Mapping in Uzbekistan, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  5. Photogrammetry, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  6. The Cosmic Cartography, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  7. The Maps Using, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  8. Mathematical and Cartographic Modeling, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

  9. The Maps Producing and its Management, 1997. The Programs of the Education for the Hydrologists and Cartographers at the University Level. Tashkent, (in Uzbek)

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